A description of the formation of composite nuclei observed in relativistic heavy-ion collisions is developed. The description is analogous to that used in accounting for the formation of nuclei under explosive conditions, as encountered in the expansion of an isotropic and homogeneous universe and in imploding-exploding supermassive stars. The model studied is one in which composite nuclei are formed in the space-time evolution of a rapidly expanding system of nucleons. Within the framework of this model, it is shown that reaction rates may initially be fast compared to expansion time scales, that detailed balance can then be met and a quasiequilibrium established for a short period of time and limited volume of space in this space-time evolution. An idealized equilibrium model is then proposed which contains a sharp cutoff from equilibrium to free expansion. In such a model the observed properties of the composite particles reflect a "frozen in" equilibrium state. A simple discussion is then presented showing that the volume at which the transition occurs is related to the finite size of the correlated structures in the system. A key result in the approach developed is that properties of the composite particle cross sections can be used to obtain information on the size of the emitting region without resorting to a Hanbury-Brown-Twiss correlation measurement. Another important result is that cross sections for composite nuclei are characterized by Maxwell-Boltzmann distributions in some rest system and recent data will be discussed from this viewpoint. The thermodynamic properties of the system, such as the equation of state and the energy-temperature relationship are investigated. The effect of continuum correlations from resonances and echoes will also be discussed.