Energy Dependence of the Three-Nucleon Transfer Reactions on Light Nuclei

Excitation functions and angular distributions for (p,α) reactions on C12, N15, and O16 have been measured from 19- to 45-MeV incident energy. The mean slope of the integrated cross sections for all the above reactions and for (p,α) reactions on Be9, B11, and F19 is the same, when plotted as a function of the intermediate-system excitation energy, and is of the type [(Ep)c.m.+Bp]3.75. For the C12 and O16 targets, the differential and integrated cross sections, which have been measured in energy steps of the order of some hundred keV, show a marked resonant structure with modulations having widths and spacings of the order of 1 MeV. Angular distributions, although presenting a well-developed diffraction pattern especially at forward angles, vary very rapidly with energy, particularly below 30 MeV. The analysis of excitation functions performed with a distorted-wave Born-approximation point triton pickup calculation gives ambiguous results. A statistical Hauser-Feshbach calculation gives too steep a slope which agrees with experimental data only when direct transitions are hindered. The analysis of the excitation functions, performed in the framework of the pre-equilibrium decay model, gives satisfactory results. This could indicate that α emission from light nuclei cannot be treated as a simple direct effect.