Optical spectroscopy of the charge-ordering transition in La1.67Sr0.33NiO4

Optical spectra of a single crystal of La1.67 Sr0.33 NiO4, which undergoes a charge-ordering transition at TCO∼240 K, have been investigated for wide ranges of photon energy (0.008–3 eV) and temperature (10–480 K). The opening of a charge gap as well as change of the gap magnitude (2Δ) with temperature is clearly observed below TCO, with an anomalously large ratio of 2Δ(T=0)/kB TCO (∼13). Conspicuous spectral change with temperature is also observed above TCO over the energy region up to 2 eV, which suggests persistent fluctuation of the charge ordering or formation of small polarons above TCO. © 1996 The American Physical Society.