Arrhenius parameters of mitochondrial membrane respiratory enzymes in relation to thermoregulation in endotherms

The relationship, between the body temperature (T b), the Arrhenius critical temperature (T *), and the apparent activation energy aboveT *) (E a1), of liver and heart mitochondrial respiratory enzymes from eleven homeothermic and eight heterothermic species was determined using a linear regression analysis. An inverse relation was observed between,T * andE a1 during torpor and hibernation. In all thermoregulatory states,T * decreased withT b andT * was equal to or belowT b. During torporE a1 increased in a linear manner asT b was lowered. It appears that the above Arrhenius parameters are closely linked to the thermoregulatory state of endotherms and thus may represent an, adaptation for function at lowT b's.