Outcomes of treatment pathways in outpatient treatment of low risk febrile neutropenic cancer patients

We treated low-risk febrile neutropenic cancer patients utilizing two standard outpatient antibiotic pathways: oral ampicillin/clavulanate (500 mg) and ciprofloxacin (500 mg) or intravenous ceftazidime (2 g) and clindamycin (600 mg) every 8 h. The objectives were to determine the success of outpatient treatment of low-risk febrile neutropenia, to identify factors predicting outpatient failure, and to determine mortality related to the febrile episode. Eligibility criteria included solid tumor diagnosis, stable vital signs, temperature ≥38.0°C, absolute neutrophil count (ANC) of n=153) had an entry ANC of grade 2 (p p=0.029); ANC p=0.039), and age ≥70 years (p=0.048). Outpatient treatment of low-risk febrile neutropenic cancer patients utilizing standard treatment pathways is associated with minimal morbidity and mortality and should be considered an acceptable standard of care with appropriate infrastructure available to provide strict and careful follow-up while on treatment. Certain factors are associated with higher risk of hospitalization and should be further examined in eligible patients with low-risk febrile neutropenia.