Theoretical study of the interaction of benzene with Rh+ and Rh2+ cations

Extensive ab initio calculations have been carried out on the benzene–Rh+ (Rh+–C6H6) complex, the Rh+(C6H6)2 sandwich complex and the Rh2+ benzene interaction products, viz., Rh2+–C6H6 and Rh2+–C6H4. The “physisorbed” benzene–Rh+ was found to be in a 3A2 state with C6v symmetry. The ground state of the Rh+(C6H6)2 sandwich complex is 3A2 with C2v symmetry. Although the optimization of the ground state of the sandwich complex was carried out in C2v symmetry, no symmetry breaking distortion in the structure of the benzene moiety was found in the final optimized geometry. The relative strength of binding of benzene with the Rh+ cation in these two complexes has also been compared. The interaction of Rh2+ and benzene has been found to favor the formation of two different products consistent with the recent experiment of Bondybey and co-workers. The probability of the formation of the chemisorbed Rh2+C6H4 species with respect to the other cleaved product resulting from the physisorbed Rh2+C6H6 species, benzene–Rh+, has been discussed in the light of energy calculations.