High-boiling Neutral Constituents from the Wood of Pinus sylvestris L..

Extracts from fresh and from fungus infested Peridermium pini) wood of Pinus silvestris L. have been investigated. The following compounds were shown to be present in both extracts: [alpha]-longipinene, copaene, longicyciene, longifolene, [beta]-ylangene [beta]-copaene, [alpha]-, [gamma]- and [epsilon]-muurolene, - and [delta]-cadinene, calamehene, [alpha]a-calacorene, [delta]-cadinol, pimaradiene, isopimaradiene, pimarinol, isopimarinol, abietinol, pimarinal, isopimarinal, abietinal, dehydroabietinal,[beta]-sitosterol, and a mixture of fatty alcohols. Eugenol methyl ether, pinosylvin dimethyl ether, a new sesquiterpene alcohol and 3 unidentified diterpene hydrocarbons were isolated from the infested wood,.