Periventricular white matter lucency and cerebral blood flow autoregulation in hypertensive patients.

The goal of this study was to elucidate the association between the development of periventricular white matter lucency and autoregulation of cerebral blood flow in hypertensive patients through the arteriovenous oxygen saturation difference method. We studied 51 hypertensive patients who had previously suffered from minor strokes (lacunar infarction, 43; deep basal minor hemorrhage, 8). Patients were divided into three groups based on the findings of periventricular white matter lucency. We measured the absolute value of resting cerebral blood flow using the argon inhalation method, and stepwise reduction of blood pressure was obtained with patients on a tilting table. Intracerebral venous blood sampling was accomplished by direct cannulation into the jugular vein up to the jugular bulb. We calculated several cerebral circulatory parameters, such as cerebrovascular resistance and cerebral oxygen consumption, and also delineated individual autoregulation curves. Cerebrovascular resistance was significantl...