Optical absorption and faraday rotation in Pb- and Ca-substituted YIG films.

The optical absorption loss a and Faraday rotation θF in the wavelength region λ=0.5∼2.5μm are investigated for YIG films incorporated with a small amount of Pb, Ca and other ions. The contribtuions of pb2+, Pb4+, Fe2+ and Fe4+ ions to α and θF are studied by reducing the Ca-free and Ca-droped YIG films grown by LPE method. It turns out that the absorption enhancement due to Pb2+ is remarkable near the optical absorption edge, and that due to Pb4+ is remarkable at λ∼0.56μm. The strong absorption at λ∼0.56μm is thought to originate in the combined presence of Fe3+ and Pb4+. As for the Faraday rotation, it is found that the contribution by Fe4+ is negative in the θF spectra in the near infrared recion like that bv Pb2+, while the Fe2+ contribution is negligible in the measured wavelength region.