Acute Gastric Ulceration—A Prospective Study of Incidence and Results of Management

During a prospective 6 yr study from 1972-1978, there were 894 admissions to a hematemesis and melena unit. In 162 admissions, bleeding was due to acute gastric ulceration, an incidence of 18%. The group comprised 157 patients, 5 patients being admitted on 2 occasions. There were 12 deaths (7%), 7 after surgery and 5 in conservatively treated patients. A significant fall in incidence of admissions was noted in the final 2 yr period of study. The reason for this is unknown, as no other cause of hematemesis and melena showed a similar fall in incidence. In addition, over this 2 yr period, patients with acute ulceration followed a more benign course and required surgery less often.