In a simple homogeneous birth-and-death process with λ and μ as the constant birth and death rates respectively, letX(t) denote the population size at timet,Z(t) the number of deaths andN(t) the number of events (births and deaths combined) occurring during (0,t). Also let. The results obtained include the following:(a) An explicit formula for the characteristic quasi-probability generating function of the joint distribution ofX(t),Y(t) andZ(t).(b) LetX(0) = 1. It is shown that, ift→ ∞ while λ ≤ μ,N(t) ↑Na.s., whereNtakes only positive odd integral values. If λ > μ, thenP[N(t) ↑ ∞] = 1 − μ/λ. Given thatN(t)∞, the limiting distribution ofN(t) is similar to that ofN. It was reported earlier (Puri (11)), that the limiting distribution ofY(t) is a weighted average of certain chi-square distributions. It is now found that these weights are nothing but the probabilitiesP[N= 2k+ 1] (k= 0, 1,…).(c) Let λ = μ, andMXω),MYωandMZωbe defined as in (36), then as where the c.f. of (X*;Y*;Z*) is given by (38).(d) Exact expressions for the p.d.f. ofY(t) are derived for the cases (i) λ = 0, μ > 0, (ii) λ > 0, μ = 0. For the case (iii) λ gt; 0, μ > 0, since the complete expression is complicated, only the procedure of derivation is indicated.(e) Finally, it is shown that the regressions ofY(t) and ofZ(t) onX(t) are linear forX(t) ≥ 1.

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