NMR Evidence for 1D Antiferromagnetic Properties in Cs1C60 and Rb1C60 Polymers

We have performed 13C NMR measurements on the three phases of A1 C60 (A=K,Rb,Cs) and alkali NMR in Cs1 C60 (133Cs) and Rb1 C60 (87Rb). We show that, for Rb1 C60 and Cs1 C60, strong antiferromagnetic (AF) fluctuations persist up to room temperature, suggesting a one-dimensional character. However, K1 C60 behaves as an ordinary three-dimensional metal. NMR also reveals a magnetic transition at about 25 K in the Rb and Cs polymers. Comparison of the 133Cs and 13C spectra supports the occurrence of a spin-flop AF phase. Simulations of the 133Cs spectrum due to a distribution of dipolar fields are consistent with moments m0.5μB ordered in AF chains.