Mobility of endogenous ecotropic murine leukemia viral genomes within mouse chromosomal DNA and integration of a mink cell focus-forming virus-type recombinant provirus in the germ line

Characterization of endogenous ecotropic Akv proviruses in DNA of low and high leukemic mouse strains revealed the presence of one to six copies of the Akv genome per haploid genome equivalent integrated in the germ line. Low leukemic strains analyzed so far contained only one complete copy of the Akv proviral DNA. The site of integration varied among strains, although genetically related strains often carried the Akv proviral gene in the same chromosomal site. The different substrains of the AKR mouse displayed the presence of variable numbers (two to six) of Akv genomes. In all substrains one Akv genome was present in an identical chromosomal site; this locus probably comprised the progenitor genome. Closely related substrains had several Akv proviral DNAs integrated in common sites. The accumulation of Akv genomes in the germ line of the AKR/FuRdA strain is likely the result of independent integration events, since backcross studies with the Akv-negative 129 strain showed random segregation of all six proviral loci. The AKR/Cnb strain carried a recombinant provirus in the germ line. This provirus resembled in structure the AKR mink cell focus-forming viruses, which are generated by somatic recombination during leukemogenesis. Therefore, the germ-line amplification of Akv proviral DNAs occurs most likely through infection of embryonic cells by circulating virus.