Association of Phytochrome with Rough-surfaced Endoplasmic Reticulum Fractions from Soybean Hypocotyls

Distribution of phytochrome (as Pfr) among membranes from soybean hypocotyls (Glycine max L. cv. Wayne) was determined by the combined techniques of cell fractionation, difference spectrometry, and electron microscopic morphometry. More than 90% of the phytochrome was found in the soluble fraction. With homogenates prepared in the presence or absence of Mg(2+), the portion associated with membrane was only 6.5% and 1%, respectively. In the presence of Mg(2+), the content of particulate phytochrome correlated with the amount of endoplasmic reticulum with attached ribosomes in the fractions but not with mitochondria or other membranes (including endoplasmic reticulum membranes from which the ribosomes may have been lost during cell fractionation). In the absence of Mg(2+), phytochrome was associated with a "heavy" plasma membrane fraction. The phytochrome content was sufficiently low to be accounted for by a contamination of less than 10% by rough-surfaced fragments of endoplasmic reticulum. The findings show association of phytochrome with a particulate fraction enriched in rough-surfaced fragments of endoplasmic reticulum but do not rule out cosedimentation of some unknown or unspecific phytochrome aggregate with this fraction.