Performance tests of the improved Bevatron Local Injector PIG Ion Source using particles of Si 4+, Ne 3+, and He 2+ are described. Initial measurements of the 8.4 keV/nucleon Si 4+ beam show an intensity of 100 particle microamperes with a normalized emittance of .06 π cm-mrad. A low energy beam transport line provides mass analysis, diagnostics, and matching into a 200 MHz RFQ linac. The RFQ accelerates the beam from 8.4 to 200 keV/nucleon. The injector is unusual in the sense that all ion source power supplies, the A.C. distribution network, vacuum control equipment, and computer control system are contained in a four bay rack mounted on insulators which is located on a floor immediately above the ion source. The rack, transmission line, and the ion source housing are raised by a D.C. power supply to 80 kilovolts above earth ground. All power supplies, which are referenced to rack ground, are modular in construction and easily removable for maintenance. A.C. power is delivered to the rack via a 21 kVA, 3-phase transformer.

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