Human Interleukin 2 Gene is Located on Chromosome 4

The interleukin-2 (IL2) gene is assigned to human chromosome 4. A synthetic oligonucleotide representing bases 285 to 324 of the IL2 cDNA clone described by Taniguchi et al. [Nature (London) 302:305–310, 1983] was used as hybridization probe in Southern blots. Eco RI digests of DNA derived from 11 somatic mouse-human cell hybrid clones were used. The IL2 gene was localized to human chromosome 4 based on the observed combinations of segregating chromosomes and bands. Under the conditions of stringency utilized, a single 3.6 kilobase Eco RI fragment hybridized to the oligonucleotide. Molecular weight standards were provided by rehybridizing the blots with an actin cDNA clone, pAct 1, which identified actin gene Eco RI fragments of defined size.