Reorganization in granuloprival cerebellar cultures after transplantation of granule cells and glia. II. Ultrastructural studies

Cytosine arabinoside-induced granuloprival cerebellar cultures lack both granule cells and differentiated glia and demonstrate marked synaptic reorganization. After kainic acid-exposed cerebellar explants, which contain granule cells and mature glia, were transplanted to the granuloprival cultures, the following ultrastructural features were noted: (1) parallel fibers formed normal synapses with Purkinje cell dendritic spines as well as with basket/stellate cell somata; (2) sprouted Purkinje cell recurrent axon collateral terminals were markedly reduced in number; (3) Purkinje cells matured and lost perisomatic spines; (4) astroglia formed sheaths around Purkinje cell somata and dendrites; and (5) axonal myelination occurred. The transplanted cultures demonstrated ultrastructural restitution toward normal after addition of missing elements.