The Raman and infrared bands for superwater are correlated with the previous proposal that superwater consists of stable ice-II-type water clusters, whereas normal water consists of stable ice-I-type water clusters. The strong Raman band for superwater at 620 cm1 and its shoulder at 640 cm1 correspond to the strong infrared band for ice II at 642 cm1 and its shoulder at 660 cm1. The slight shift can be attributed to temperature variations (from -173 to 25°C) of the infrared band. Examples are given to show that stretching frequencies (2500-4000 cm1) of hydrates or aqueous salt solutions can be shifted to bending frequencies (around 1400 to about 1600 cm1) because of imposed stresses on hydrogen bonds. These stresses also involve a change in the librational bands, such as a shift from 153 cm to 410 cm1 for concentrated HCl solutions. Consequently, the reduction of bands between 2500 and 4000 cm1 and the appearance of both low-frequency bands at 1400 and 1595 cm1 and strong librational bands at 620 and 640 cm1, in going from normal water to superwater, can be explained on the basis of imposed stresses on hydrogen bonds in superwater. That is, the hydrogen bonds in ice-II structures of superwater will have greater stresses than those in ice-I structures of normal water. Hence, for superwater, but not for normal water, the bending-frequency bands at 1400 and 1595 cm1 become more important dissipators (or absorbers) of photons than the stretching-frequency bands between 2500 and 4000 cm1. Results on concentrated salt solutions show that one bending-frequency band can be shifted to a different one when greater stress is imposed on the hydrogen bonds. In contrast, the hindered rotational bands (600 cm1 or so) do not shift. Consequently, the 642-cm1 band of ice II can be correlated with superwater, but the bending-frequency bands of ice II at 1690, 1066, and 960 cm1 cannot. The 1690-cm1 band of ice II most likely corresponds to the 1595-cm1 band of superwater, and the 1066- and 960-cm1 bands of ice II to the doublet at 1400 cm1. Experimental data on superwater show that both the ionic model of Lippincott and co-workers and the tetramer model of Bolander and co-workers are erroneous. The very small spread of relaxation times in normal water and the spontaneous settling of superwater from normal water at low temperatures support the proposed cluster-aggregate model for both normal and superwater. Stable clusters would produce cooperative effects in relaxation times and an inability of ice-I clusters (normal water) to interact with ice-II clusters (superwater).