Risk Factors for Sleep Disordered Breathing in Heterogeneous Geriatric Populations

This cross-sectional, multivariate study investigated associations between sleep disordered breathing (SDB) and putative risk factors in a heterogeneous group of 720 individuals over the age of 50 years studied during all-night in-lab polysomnography. Results indicated that: 1) aged men were more likely to show impaired respiration during sleep than aged women; 2) excessive daytime somnolence and parasomniac symptoms (snoring, gasping during sleep) were associated with SDB but insomnia was not; 3) obesity accounted for more variance in SDB than age per se, implying that the prevalence of SDB in some elderly persons could be related to the deposition of body fat seen as individuals grow older. All four risk factors (age, sex, obesity, and symptomatic status) were statistically significant and independent predictors of impaired respiration in sleep in the elderly.