Change in Energy Metabolism in the Cell Cycle of Mouse L Cells

Synchronous L [fibroblast] cells obtained by a selection method were used to study changes in O2 uptake, glycolytic lactate production and ATP turonover time during the cell cycle. The O2 uptake per cell (QO2) fluctuated periodically with the maximum at S phase and the minimum at G1 phase. The rate of lactate production per cell was constant during the initial 14 h (G1 and S phases) and gradually decreased to 1/2 at 24 h after reinoculation. The calculated ATP production per unit cell volume (.mu.m3) was 10-15 mol/h during the cell cycle. The ATP turnover time oscillated every 15-19 s during the cell cycle, being shorter in early G1 and S phases, suggesting that ATP utilization increases in G1 and S phases.