Myosin types in human skeletal muscle fibers

By combining enzyme histochemistry for fiber typing with immunohistochemistry for slow and fast myosin a correlation between fiber type and myosin type was sought in human skeletal muscle. Fiber typing was done by staining for myofibrillar ATPases after preincubation at discriminating pH values. Myosin types were discriminated using type specific anti-rabbit myosin antibodies shown to cross-react with human myosin and were visualized by a protein A-peroxidase method. Type I fibers were shown to contain slow myosin only, type IIA and IIB fibers fast myosin only, and type IIC fibers both myosins in various proportions. When muscle biopsies from well-trained athletes were investigated essentially the same staining pattern was observed. However, rarely occurring type I fibers with high glycolytic activity were detected containing additional small amounts of fast myosin and occasional type IIA fibers had small amounts of slow myosin. Based on the observation of various fiber types in which slow and fast myosin coexist we propose a dynamic continuum of fibers encompassing all fiber types.