Biochemical markers associated with two Mv chromosomes from Aegilops ventricosa in wheat-Aegilops addition lines

The distribution of three biochemical markers, U-1, CM-4 and Aphv-a, -b, among wheat-Aegilops addition lines carrying Mv chromosomes from Aegilops ventricosa (genomes DvMv) has been investigated. Addition lines which had been previously grouped together on the basis of common non-biochemical characters carried marker U-1, a protein component from the 2M urea extract. The added chromosome, in the appropriate genetic background, seems to confer a high level of resistance to the eyespot disease, caused by the fungus Cercosporella herpotrichoides. The other two markers were concomitantly associated with another similarly formed group of addition lines. Both CM-4, a protein component from the chloroform:methanol extract, and Aphv-a, -b, alkaline phosphate isozymes, have been previously shown to be associated with homoeologous chromosome group 4, which suggests that the added chromosome in the second group of addition lines is 4Mv.