The constitution of the primary alcohols, fatty acids and paraffins present in plant and insect waxes

Comprehensive analyses were made of the alcohols, fatty acids and paraffin present in numerous plant and insect waxes. The alcohols are mixtures of even-number alcohols from C24 to C36. Occasionally in certain leaf waxes one particular alcohol is present to the virtual exclusion of all others, and isolation in pure form is possible. The acids are mixtures of even-number n-fatty acids from C24 to C34. The paraffins consist of one or more of the odd numbers from C25 to C37. Good evidence has been obtained that even-number paraffins do not occur. By making use of the m. p. and crystal spacing data for mixtures of pure primary alcohol, n-acids and paraffins it has been found possible to suggest the composition of the mixed products found in waxes. As numerous alcohols, acids and paraffins isolated by previous workers are shown to be mixtures and not chemical entities, it is recommended that the names used to designate these products be abandoned.