Ion Absorption and Retention by Chlorella pyrenoidosa. I. Absorption of Potassium

C. pyrenoidosa grown in a low salt medium was used for K absorption experiments. The cation uptake consisted of a rapid initial adsorption phase, followed by a slower accumulation phase. The adsorption process appeared to be similar to cation exchange. It was completed in less than 1 minute, it was not dependent on metabolism, and was stochiometric for K, Na, Rb, Ca, and Mg on an equivalent basis. Accumulation of K from chloride, bromide, sulfate, and phosphate salts was of similar magnitude. The accumulation of K was dependent on concurrent functioning of oxidative metabolism and was accompanied by a relatively small anion accumulation. The extent of accumulation was determined by the initial content of the cells and not by the concentration of the outside solution. Accumulation of K stopped when the cell content reached approximately 47 me/100 g dry weight.