Photoelectron spectroscopy of silicon–fluorine binary cluster anions (SinF−m)

Electronic properties of silicon–fluorine cluster anions (SinFm; n=1–11, m=1–3) were investigated by photoelectron spectroscopy using a magnetic‐bottle type electron spectrometer. The binary cluster anions were generated by a laser vaporization of a silicon rod in an He carrier gas mixed with a small amount of SiF4 or F2 gas. The highly abundant clusters are SiFm (m=3 and 5) and SinF (n=6, 7, and 10) in their mass spectra. In the photoelectron spectra of SiFm (m=1–5), the clusters having odd m have higher electron affinity (EA) than those having even m, indicating that the even/odd alternation in EA is attributed to their electronic structures of a closed/open valence shell. Comparison between photoelectron spectra of SinF and Sin (n=4–11) gives the insight that the doped F atom can remove one electron from the corresponding Sin cluster without any serious rearrangement of Sin framework, because only the first peak of Sin, corresponding singly occupied molecular orbital (SOMO), disappears and other successive spectral features are unchanged with the F atom doping. In some clusters, furthermore, the vibrational structures could be resolved to determine a vibrational frequency and to presume the geometry with ab initio molecular orbital calculations.