Removal of phenols from wastewater by soluble and immobilized tyrosinase

An enzymatic method for removal of phenols from industrial wastewater was investigated. Phenols in an aqueous solution were removed after treatment with mushroom tyrosinase. The reduction order of substituted phenols is catechol > p‐cresol > p‐chlorophenol > phenol > p‐methoxyphenol. In the treatment of tyrosinase alone, no precipitate was formed but a color change from colorless to dark‐brown was observed. The colored products were removed by chitin and chitosan which are available abundantly as shellfish waste. In addition, the reduction rate of phenols was observed to be accelerated in the presence of chitosan. Tyrosinase, immobilized by using amino groups in the enzyme on cation exchange resins, can be used repeatedly. By treatment with immobilized tyrosinase, 100% of phenol was removed after 2 h, and the activity was reduced very little even after 10 repeat treatments. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.