This study is based on 3,098 once‐married women in Abderdeen, Scotland, who had a total of 10,825 pregnancies, which resulted in wastages of 285 infant deaths, 173 stillbirths, 712 involuntary abortions, and 200 voluntary terminations. Wastage varies by pregnancy number, particularly after the third pregnancy. There is, however, a selective factor operating here in that women who have a wastage are more likely to continue on to the next higher pregnancy number, and those who have a wastage at one pregnancy number are more likely to have a wastage at the next pregnancy outcome also. Wastage tends to be cumulative. Women who enter the reproductive cycle at the younger ages have a larger number of pregnancies and a higher wastage rate than women who postpone their first pregnancy until the older ages. Women who experience a wastage at any given pregnancy number are not only more likely to have another pregnancy, but they do so over a shorter time interval than those whose last pregnancy resulted in a live birth. Except for terminations, wastage is highest among women who closely space their pregnancy

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