The perturbed ladder operator method: closed form expressions of perturbed wavefunctions and matrix elements

By mapping the perturbation scheme onto the ladder operator formalism, the field of application of the Schrodinger-Infeld-Hull factorisation method is enlarged. It is shown how, at each order of the perturbation, perturbed ladder operators can be constructed. Thus, without having to calculate explicitly either the excited unperturbed functions or any matrix element, one obtains analytical expressions of the perturbed eigenvalues in terms of the quantum numbers of the factorisable unperturbed problem. A three-terms recurrence relation, valid at any rank of the perturbation, is derived and leads to closed form expressions of the perturbed eigenfunctions. Consequently, a closed form expression of any matrix element on the basis of the perturbed eigenfunctions is easily obtained from the calculation of one unique particular integral.