Arabinogalactan-Proteins of the Female Sexual Tissue of Nicotiana alata

Arabinogalactan-proteins (AGPs), isolated from the pistils of Nicotiana alata, an ornamental tobacco, are developmentally regulated. Both the total amount and concentration of AGP in the stigma increase during flower development, reaching 10 micrograms AGP/stigma at maturity. In contrast, AGP concentration in the style remains constant throughout the maturation period reaching 12 micrograms AGP/style at maturity. The classes of AGP present in the stigma and style during flower development, separated according to their charge by crossed-electrophoresis, are differnt and change during development. Pollination of flowers of N. alata with compatible or incompatible pollen results in a significant and reproducible increase in the amount of AGPs in the stigma, but not the style, compared with control unpollinated pistils. Pollination with ethanol vapor inactivated pollen also results in an increase in the amount of AGP in the stigma, but this is less than half that observed following pollination with viable pollen. There are no significant differences in the classes of AGP, based on crossed-electrophoresis, present in the pistil following pollination.