Microprobe Analysis of Human Otoconia

Utricular and saccular otoconia (N=510) from 1 fetus (39th gestational week; Trisomy-18), 2 babies (1 and 2 months) and 3 adults (58, 61 and 77 years) were analysed with an energy dispersive X-ray microprobe. In all otoconia the elemental composition showed an extremely high concentration of Ca but also Na, Mg, P, S, CI and K were identified. The presence of non-Ca elements was interpreted as being due to a protein nucleus of the otoconia. Non-Ca elements are more prominent during fetal age and early post-natally than later in life. Old age otoconia contained high concentrations of P which indicates that a 'phosphatization' of aging otoconia occurs, i.e. calcite otoconia are transformed in situ into apatite by reaction with phosphate ions. The elemental composition of otoconia in Trisomy-18 was similar to that in early postnatal inner ears.