Minisuperspaces: Observables and Quantization

A canonical transformation is performed on the phase space of a number of homogeneous cosmologies to simplify the form of the scalar (or, Hamiltonian) constraint. Using the new canonical coordinates, it is then easy to obtain explicit expressions of Dirac observables, i.e.\ phase space functions which commute weakly with the constraint. This, in turn, enables us to carry out a general quantization program to completion. We are also able to address the issue of time through ``deparametrization'' and discuss physical questions such as the fate of initial singularities in the quantum theory. We find that they persist in the quantum theory {\it inspite of the fact that the evolution is implemented by a 1-parameter family of unitary transformations}. Finally, certain of these models admit conditional symmetries which are explicit already prior to the canonical transformation. These can be used to pass to quantum theory following an independent avenue. The two quantum theories --based, respectively, on Dirac observables in the new canonical variables and conditional symmetries in the original ADM variables-- are compared and shown to be equivalent.

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