Inhibition of Autoregulation of Renal Blood Flow by SKF 525-A and Fluoroacetate.

Summary Autoregulation of renal blood flow and responsiveness to norepinephrine were found to be inhibited when SKF 525-A or sodium fluoroacetate were administered via the renal artery. SKF S25-A was effective only during the period of infusion. The brevity of action of this compound would appear to make it a useful tool in studies on autoregulation of renal blood flow. In contrast to SKF 525-A, sodium fluoroacetate produced an irreversible blockade. Pretreat-ment with reserpine did not affect the auto-regulatory response. These data are interpreted as further evidence for an active myogenic mechanism in autoregulation of renal blood flow. The authors are indebted to Smith Kline and French Laboratories for the SKF 525-A used in these experiments.