Different ascus types (3) in the lecanoralean fungi were investigated by light and transmission electron microscopy. The Lecanora-type, the most common ascus type within the Lecanorales, was studied in Physcia stellaris. This is unitunicate and no gliding occurs between the different layers of the ascus wall or the apical apparatus during dehiscence. The Peltigera-type, studied in P. canina, is an interesting variant of the bitunicate type. There is a gliding site between the ascus wall and the expansible inner layer, and a peculiarity of the Peltigera-type is an eversible amyloid ring at the tip of the expansible inner layer. The Teloschistes-type, studied in Xanthoria parietina, is unitunicate but without a special mechanism for spore discharge, just splitting at the apex prior to spore release. The thesis that the Lecanora-type is an evolved rather than an archaic form is supported.

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