In studying the multiple scattering of electromagnetic waves by random distributions of scatterers with appreciable fractional volume, the approach of quasicrystalline approximation together with the hole correction approximation has been a common method. In this paper, it is shown that such an approach will give rise to negative attenuation rate indicating a growth of the coherent wave in space which is a nonphysical solution. The result of the Percus–Yevick equation is a better representation of the pair distribution function for appreciable concentration. We use it together with the quasicrystalline approximation to study multiple scattering of electromagnetic waves by discrete spherical scatters. Waterman’s T matrix formalism is used in formulating the multiple scattering problem. Closed from solutions are obtained for the effective propagation constants in the low frequency limit and agree with Twersky’s results. Effective propagation constants at higher frequencies are calculated by numerical methods.