Charmful baryonicBdecaysB0→Λcp¯andB¯→Λcp¯π(ρ)

We study the two-body and three-body charmful baryonic B decays B0Λcp¯ and B¯Λcp¯π(ρ). The factorizable W-exchange contribution to B0Λcp¯ is negligible. Applying the bag model to evaluate the baryon-to-baryon weak transition matrix element, we find B(B0Λcp¯)1.1×105|gB0pΣb+/6|2 with gB0pΣb+ being a strong coupling for the decay Σb+B0p and hence the predicted branching ratio is well below the current experimental limit. The factorizable contributions to BΛcp¯π can account for the observed branching ratio of order 6×104. The branching ratio for BΛcp¯ρ is larger than that of BΛcp¯π by a factor of about 2.6. We explain why the three-body charmful baryonic B decay has a larger rate than the two-body one, contrary to the case of mesonic B decays.