In any renormalizable theory without spontaneously broken symmetry, where there are both heavy (M) and light (m) particles, we can show that when M is larger than any scale, then all the O(1M2) heavy-particle effects in the general n-point proper amputated light Green's functions can be written as Γfulltheoryn=Γlighttheoryn+(1M2)ΣNCNΓn(ON)lighttheory, where Γlighttheoryn and Γn(ON)lighttheory are Green's functions and the corresponding operator inserted ones, calculated within the same theory without the heavy particles. ON are a finite set of operators with densities of dimensions ≤ 6. The universal coefficient functions CN have all the dependence on heavy particles, such as coupling constants and ln(Mm), and are calculable via a set of Callan-Symanzik-type equations. In this article we specialize to a general formulation in QED and in an ensuing article we shall solve the scaling equations with the relevant anomalous dimensions explicitly evaluated to one-loop order.