Representations of discrete symmetry operators (DSO's) connected with space (P), time (T), and generalized charge (C) are considered. It is shown that if one writes a DSO as exp (iπΩ) × a phase transformation, then (under certain conditions on Ωs) to each DSO there corresponds a set of Ωs which is closed with respect a Lie algebra, which is isomorphic to the Lie algebra of generators of rotation in an n‐dimensional Euclidean space; where n is the number of commuting observables that changes sign under this DSO in a given representation (e.g. linear momentum representation). In the particular case of the (TCP) operation, there are six Ωs, of which two are diagonal, viz. the generalized charge Q, and spin projection along the z axis Sz; corresponding Euclidean group is four‐dimensional. For the sake of completeness, the representations are also given for the following cases: (i) nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, (ii) quantum theory of free fields, in terms of field operators.

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