Intramuscular fat, popularly referred to as marbling, has been given major emphasis within the various beef grading systems in the projection of raw beef characteristics to eating satisfaction in the cooked meat. Only age of animal as indicated by the appearance of the meat and bone has as much or greater influence on quality evaluation. However, in recent years, the results of studies relating marbling with tenderness, flavor and juiciness have caused some pause for reflection as to whether or not marbling should continue to receive such great emphasis in standards of quality. Prior to discussing the work pertaining to marbling and palatability it would seem advantageous to discuss those factors that appear to have some influence on the results of studies of this nature. Therefore, certain criteria were used in evaluating the research papers cited and are presented in the discussion to follow. Also, a compilation of these variables may be of some help for research workers who are undertaking studies in this area for the first time. No attempt has been made to list them in order of influence on research results. Copyright © 1963. American Society of Animal Science . Copyright 1963 by American Society of Animal Science