Étude comparée de la dégradation de lignocelluloses par différentes souches de Fomes annosus

The ligninolytic activity of Fames annosus has been estimated by radiorespirometric methods using lignocelluloses of Norway spruce and poplar, as substrates, labelled on the lignin moiety. Although F. annosus is mainly a parasite of coniferous wood, poplar lignins were more extensively degraded. 14C-labelled poplar lignocelluloses, labelled either on the lignins moiety or on the overall polymers, were used to compare wood degradation or only specific lignin degradation by the different strains. Moreover, using the best strain, we studied the effect of culture parameters which are known to influence lignin degradation by Sporotrichum pulverulentum. The rate of lignonolysis was enhanced in media with low nitrogen content but was not stimulated by increasing the O2 concentration of the atmosphere. Such data point out the specific behaviour of F. annosus, which differs in some respect from other white-rot fungi.