Equation of state for athermal lattice chains in a 3d fluctuating bond model

A generalization of the well‐known Flory and Flory–Huggins mean‐field approximations to the equation of state is derived for a three‐dimensional lattice model in which a monomer occupies an entire unit cell, and many bond lengths and bond angles are possible. By measuring the probability for particles to be in contact with the walls of the system, the pressure is determined via computer simulation over the full density range from dilute solution to dense melt. The results are used to test the mean‐field predictions. Comparing the equation of state of the present model to those of conventional lattice models and of hard‐sphere chains in continuous space, it is seen that our method approximates the continuum limit far better than single site lattice models. Also the large n des Cloizeaux scaling behavior is approached more rapidly.