Life Tables for Lygus hesperus (Heteroptera: Miridae) on Susceptible and Resistant Common Bean Cultivars

The plant bug, Lygus hesperus Knight, was reared on five common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris (L.), genotypes, three of which were previously identified as resistant (‘BAT 1081’, ‘BAT 1299’, and ‘CIAT 5979’) and two as susceptible (‘Red Kidney’ and ‘CIAT 5683’). Age-specific life-table parameters were estimated as a means to measure plant resistance to L. hesperus. Under both field and laboratory conditions, fewer bugs survived to the adult stage on the resistant cultivars than on the susceptible cultivars. Female lygus bugs reared on the resistant genotypes also had lower gross reproductive rates, net reproductive rates, and intrinsic rates of increase than those bugs held on the susceptible genotypes. These life-table values for CIAT ‘;5683’ were significantly greater than for all other cultivars. Resistance had no effect on mean generation time. Finite rates of increase and population doubling times were significantly lower on resistant cultivars. These life-table results confirm resistance to lygus bugs in common bean cultivars based on reduced survivorship to adulthood, fecundity, and longevity of females.