The respiration of pneumococci (Type I) was measured at various oxygen tensions. The suspension media were salt solutions containing colorless blood- or potato catalase, or mixtures of salt solution and broth. O consumption and CO2 formation were determined by the manometrical methods of O. Warburg. Contrary to the behavior of all other bacteria, examined under conditions of optimal gas dif-fusion, the respiration of the pneumococcus is largely dependent on Otension. While the rate of respiration of Micrococcus candicans, a coccus of about the same size as the pneumococcus (examined by O. Warburg), is the same at O tensions of 0.008 mm. Hg and of 150 mm, Hg, the respiratory rate of pneumoenccus as an O tension of 150 mm. Hg is 4.5 times as high as at an O tension of 15 mm. Hg. Pneumococci require for optimal growth the energy yielded by this increased respiration at higher O tensions. Multiplication, as measured by the rise of the respiratory rate after incubation periods of 2-3 hours, was diminished 90% at an O tension of 2 vol.% (15.2 mm. Hg) as compared with an O tension of 20 vol.% (152 mm. Hg).

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