Molecular beam optical Stark spectroscopy of CaSH

The rotationally resolved spectrum of the (000–000) B̃ 2 A‘–X̃ 2 A’ band system [T 000–000=15 859.4638(15) cm−1] of a supersonic molecular beam sample of calcium monohydrosulfide, CaSH, was recorded in the presence of a variablestatic electric field. The magnitude of the a‐principal axis component of the permanent electric dipole moment, ‖μ a ‖, was determined to be 5.36(4) and 3.78(7) D for the X̃ 2 A’ and B̃ 2 A‘ states, respectively. An analysis of the field free spectra produced values for the (000) B̃ 2 A‘ vibronic state fine structure parameters of (in cm−1); A’=10.433 56(16), B’=0.143 43(15), C’=0.141 14(15), ε aa =−5.779 3(19), ε bb =0.107 67(88), and ε cc =0.032 70(83). An interpretation of the parameters is presented.