With antisera against chicken thymus-derived (T) or bursa-derived (B) lymphocytes as well as against Marek''s disease tumor-associated surface antigen (MATSA) and cell surface Ig[immunoglobulin]M, the proportions of cells with these surface antigenic markers in Marek''s disease (MD) and lymphoid leukosis (LL) tumors were determined by indirect immunofluorescence tests. MD lymphoma cells were characterized by a predominance of T cells (about 70%) and the presence of MATSA (4.3%). LL tumor cells were characterized by a predominance of cells with B cell and IgM (both more than 90%) surface markers. The results show the usefulness of all 4 antisera in distinguishing between LL and MD tumor cells. Any or all of these test systems may be applied as an alternate approach for differential diagnosis of MD and LL when clear-cut diagnosis is difficult by standard pathological criteria.