Molecular-dynamics simulation of polymethylene chain confined in cylindrical potentials. I. Nature of the conformational defects

The conformational motion of a polymethylene molecule constrained by a cylindrical potential is simulated up to 100 ps. The molecule consists of 60 CH2 groups and has variable bond lengths, bond angles, and dihedral angles. Our main concern here is the excitation and the dynamics of the conformational defects: kinks, jogs, etc. Under weaker constraint a number of gauche bonds are excited; they mostly form pairs such as gtḡ kinks or gtttḡ jogs. These conformational defects show no continuous drift in space. Instead they often annihilate and then recreate at different sites showing apparently random positional changes. The conformational defects produce characteristic strain fields around them. It seems that the conformational defects interact attractively through these strain fields. This is evidenced by remarkably correlated spatial distributions of the gauche bonds.