Studies on the evolution of auxin carriers and phytotropin receptors: Transmembrane auxin transport in unicellular and multicellular Chlorophyta

The characteristics of transmembrane transport of 14C-labelled indol-3yl-acetic acid ([1-14C]IAA) were compared in Chlorella vulgaris Beij., a simple unicellular green alga, and in Chara vulgaris L., a branched, multicellular green alga exhibiting axial polarity and a high degree of cell and organ specialization. In Chara thallus cells, three distinguishable trans-plasmamembrane fluxes contributed to the net uptake of [1-14C]-IAA from an external solution, viz.: a non-mediated, pH-sensitive influx of undissociated IAA (IAAH); a saturable influx of IAA; and a saturable efflux of IAA. Both saturable fluxes were competitively inhibited by unlabelled IAA. Association of [3H]IAA with microsomal preparations from Chara thallus tissue was competitively inhibited by unlabelled IAA. Results indicated that up-take carriers occurred in the membranes at a much higher density than efflux carriers. The efflux component of IAA net uptake by Chara was not affected by several phytotropins (N-1-naphthylphthalmic acid, NPA; 2-(1-pyrenoyl)benzoic acid; and 5-(2-carboxyphenyl)-3-phenylpyrazole), which are potent non-competitive inhibitors of specific auxin-efflux carriers in more advanced plant groups, and no evidence was found for a specific association of [3H]NPA with Chara microsomal preparations. It was concluded that Chara lacked phytotropin receptors. Net uptake of [1-14C]IAA also was unaffected by 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid except at concentrations (≥ 10−1 mol · m−3) high enough to depress cytoplasmic pH (determined by uptake of 5,5-dimethyloxazolidine-2,4-dione). Chlorella cells accumulated [1-14C]IAA from an external solution by pH-sensitive diffusion of IAA across the plasma membrane and anion (IAA) trapping, but no evidence was found in Chlorella for the occurrence of IAA carriers. These results indicate that carrier systems capable of mediating the transmembrane transport of auxins appeared at a very early stage in the evolution of green plants, possibly in association with the origin of a differentiated, multicellular plant body. Phytotropin receptors evolved independently of the carriers.