Diverse Supernova Sources for the r-Process

(Abridged) It is shown that a semi-quantitative agreement with the gross solar r-process abundance pattern near and above mass number A=130 can be obtained by a superposition of two distinctive kinds of supernova r-process events. These correspond to a low frequency case L and a high frequency case H, which takes into account the low abundance of I129 and the high abundance of Hf182 in the early solar nebula. The lifetime of Hf182 associates the events in case H with the most common Type II supernovae. These events would be mainly responsible for the r-process nuclei near and above A=195. They would also make a significant amount of the nuclei between A=130 and 195, including Hf182, but very little I129. In order to match the solar r-process abundance pattern and to satisfy the I129 and Hf182 constraints, the events in case L, which would make the r-process nuclei near A=130 and the bulk of those between A=130 and 195, must occur 10 times less frequently but eject 10--20 times more r-process material in each event. We speculate that the usual neutron star remnants, and hence prolonged ejection of r-process material, are associated with the events in case L, whereas the more frequently occurring events in case H have ejection of other r-process material terminated by black hole formation during the neutrino cooling phase of the protoneutron star.

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