Temporal gaps in noise and sinusoids

The ability of human observers to detect partially filled or completely silent intervals (gaps) was measured using a variety of different waveforms. The slopes of the psychometric functions for gap detection using broadband noise are dependent upon the amount of noise remaining during the gap. For completely silent intervals, the psychometric function covers a range of only 2 ms, but the psychometric functions for partially filled intervals are less steep. The detection of gaps in narrow-band noise (surrounded by complementary band-reject maskers) is strongly influenced by the signal-to-noise ratio. The signal bandwidth and center frequency also influence detectability. Gap detection improved as signal bandwidth increased, and detection improved when signal bands containing gaps were centered at higher frequencies. Detection of gaps in single components of a 21-component, equal-amplitude complex also showed lower thresholds as the frequency of the component containing the gap increased. Increasing the number of components in the complex that contained the gap improved the detectability of the gap, more so when the gaps were all presented at the same time (synchronous condition). Uncertainty about the temporal position of the gap within the observation interval made the gap more difficult to detect. This temporal uncertainty effect occurred for gaps in broadband noise, in narrow-band noise, and in sinusoidal waveforms.

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