Molecular cytogenetic analysis of 10;11 rearrangements in acute myeloid leukemia

MLLT10 (previously called AF10) is a moderately common MLL fusion partner predominantly occurring in acute monoblastic leukemia (AML-M5). 10;11 rearrangements require at least three breaks in order to generate an in-frame MLL-MLLT10 fusion as a result of the opposite orientations of both genes on the respective chromosome arms. In this study, we describe a detailed molecular cytogenetic analysis of MLL-MLLT10 positive 10;11 rearrangements in two patients. We observed an as yet unreported chromosomal mechanism with at least four breakpoints, leading to MLL-MLLT10 gene fusion in a 24-year-old male. An inversion of 11q13-q23 with a breakpoint in the MLL gene was followed by an additional break 3' of MLL prior to insertion of the 11q segment into MLLT10. In a second patient, a 37-year-old male with AML-M5b, molecular cytogenetic analysis of an apparent 10;11 reciprocal translocation showed an intrachromosomal inversion of 3'MLLT10followed by a reciprocal translocation between 10p12 and 11q23. Review of the literature showed that all cases were the result of an inversion of either 10p or 11q followed by translocation 10p;11q or insertion of the inverted segment into MLLT10 or MLL.