Liver transplantation for Budd-Chiari syndrome-palliation or cure?

This report documents two cases of Budd‐Chiari syndrome (BCS) with essential thrombocytosis and antithrombin (AT) III deficiency as underlying etiological factors. Orthotopic liver transplantation was successfully performed in both patients but with different therapeutic intention. In the patient with essential thrombocytosis, hepatic transplantation only relieved the symptoms of the predisposing thrombogenic condition: it did not cure the underlying disorder. Prophylactic long‐term anticoagulation, as well as adjuvant therapy for the causative disease, remained necessary. On the other hand, in the patient with AT III deficiency, liver transplantation was curative, resulting in complete reconstitution of serum AT III activity with resolution of the hypercoagulable state postoperatively. Thus, depending on the underlying etiology, liver transplantation for BCS can be considered as palliative, necessitating long‐term adjuvant therapy, or as curative, with correction of a metabolic defect.